Four Trends That Will Rock Your Business and Financial Future
Tony D'Amelio
July 29th, 2019
Your zip code may be the most important factor determining your economic future. So says a report released this month by the McKinsey Global Institute. Below is a link to that study and three other articles/reports worthy of your time on important trends that will impact you and your business/profession. I found them compelling and I think you will too. D’Amelio Network manages experts who speak on these issues and more. In fact, our GEOFF COLVIN of Fortune wrote two of the pieces cited below. Please think of us the next time the need for a speaker arises. It would be a pleasure to put our experts' insights and experience to work for you. --Tony D'Amelio
Future | HR Focus | Managing/Leading Change
Humans are Underrated: Geoff Colvin on LinkedIn Emerging Jobs Report
Tony D'Amelio
January 22nd, 2019
Fortune magazine just highlighted LinkedIn’s U.S. Emerging Jobs Report for 2018. LinkedIn measured the fastest growing jobs and skills in the country and is a window on the future of work. It highlights some stunning information like this: -Top Five Emerging Jobs -Top Five In-Demand Skills (Biggest Skills Gap) -Top Five Majors for Professionals in Emerging Jobs -Top Five Fastest-Growing by Job Title
HR Focus | Organizational Culture
Organizational Transformation: IBM Cuts Teleworking to Boost Effective Collaboration in the Workplace
Tony D'Amelio
May 30th, 2017
THE FUTURE OF WORK AT IBM When I read the news about IBM's decision to have most teleworkers return to their offices I knew it was something Fortune magazine's GEOFF COLVIN would be following closely. His last book, Humans are Underrated, focused on where humans fit in and add value in a workplace culture that is increasingly dominated by robots and smart technology of every sort. What did IBM's move mean for the future of work? Will this organizational transformation really increase effective collaboration in the workplace as IBM hopes? Geoff's concise essay on IBM's decision is below. He will be following it closely and will weigh in down the road with the impact this change makes for the company and the ramifications more broadly in the workplace. What do YOU think? Feel free to comment at the end of this article.
Option B: How Getting Fired Made My Career - Katty Kay
Katty Kay
May 11th, 2017
This post originally, written by Katty Kay , originally appeared on LinkedIn Pulse. It was published on April 25th, 2017 as part of series on resilience for Option B by Sheryl Sandberg and Adam Grant.
HR Focus | Speaking Industry | Event planners
Event planner career pivot: Could you be a speakers' bureau agent?
Tony D'Amelio
April 25th, 2017
A career as a speakers' bureau agent After 40+ years as an agent, first in the music business and then for top speakers, I made a career change in 2012 and began managing a carefully chosen group of top experts who speak. In my new life, I work with most every speakers’ bureau on a daily basis. They often ask me, especially now when talent is so hard to find if I know someone who'd make a great agent. Sometimes I do – and I do my best to connect people and help however I can.
HR Focus | Motivation | Leadership
Women at Work: Why Confidence is Important at Work - More Than Know-How
Tony D'Amelio
April 20th, 2017
Women and Success When it comes to women at work – what matters more, confidence or competence? The answer is surprising because the latest research shows why confidence is important at work - even more important than actual skills.
HR Focus | Motivation | Leadership
Katty Kay: International Women’s Day and The Confidence Code
Tony D'Amelio
March 8th, 2017
Today is International Women's Day, a day set aside to celebrate globally women and their economic, political, and social achievements around the world. It is also a time to focus on places and situations where women's rights, equality, health, and safety still have a long way to go. The work of BBC World News’ KATTY KAY is a perfect fit for the mission of International Women’s Day. Katty has had the privilege of speaking at many IWD events over the years. Interest was first driven by her bestselling book Womenomics and most recently by the groundbreaking work on confidence she and co-author Claire Shipman did for their bestselling book, The Confidence Code: The Science and Art of Self-Assurance – What Women Should Know. Katty and Claire's latest book, The Confidence Code for Girls: Taking Risks, Messing Up, and Becoming Your Amazingly Imperfect, Totally Powerful Self is coming out on April 3, 2018. International Women's Day provides a great opportunity to focus a bit on confidence, since it’s such a vital ingredient for the issues that are the focus of this day.
HR Focus | Managing/Leading Change | Motivation
Why Talent Is Overrated: Leadership & Performance Expert Geoff Colvin
Tony D'Amelio
November 10th, 2016
WHAT YOU BELIEVE ABOUT PEAK PERFORMANCE IS LIKELY WRONG What separates great achievers from everyone else? The answer might surprise you.
HR Focus | Motivation | Leadership
Tony D'Amelio
October 20th, 2016
THE CONFIDENCE CODE: CLOSING THE CONFIDENCE GAP Women and confidence: KATTY KAY co-wrote the book on the subject. The Confidence Code: The Science and Art of Self-Assurance – What Women Should Know (written with Claire Shipman), created quite a stir when it was released. The science part was rather sobering: women, even in top leadership roles, are more genetically predisposed to lack confidence than men...confidence and leadership don't necessarily go hand-in-hand. The art part was more reassuring: confidence is indeed a choice. The book launched a productive discussion about women and confidence that goes on to this day.
Future | HR Focus | Innovation | Managing/Leading Change
Smart Technology & Robots at Work: The Workplace of the Future
Tony D'Amelio
October 18th, 2016
Smart technology has drastically altered how we operate in everyday life, and the workplace is no exception. These technological advancements have contributed significantly to how businesses operate both in the big picture and in day-to-day activities. With smart technology evolving at such a fast pace, what’s in store for the workplace of the future?