Create a Thriving Workplace: Lessons from 9 Influential Speakers

Diversity & Inclusion | Talent Retention | Teamwork & Culture | Well-Being/Burnout | Future of Work

Create a Thriving Workplace: Lessons from 8 Influential Speakers

By: Melissa Murphy
September 2nd, 2023

Every leader and company agrees that people are the most valuable asset. How companies take care of that asset has evolved, and employees’ expectations have shifted, driving the need to address new workplace challenges. Staying informed about the latest trends and insights is crucial for any professional seeking to drive organizational success. The work landscape continually evolves, and various topics have emerged as critical focal points for every organizational leader. These themes include talent acquisition and retention, career development, inclusion, mental fitness, office culture, and the future of work. Organizations turn to speakers who can provide valuable expertise, inspiration, and actionable strategies to address these important themes and foster a thriving work environment. By leveraging the knowledge and perspectives of these experts highlighted below, leaders can drive positive change, foster innovation, and create workplaces that attract and retain top talent in today’s ever-evolving business landscape.

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Leadership | Organizational Culture | Health | Suneel Gupta | Well-Being/Burnout


By: Tony D'Amelio
May 5th, 2022

THE EXHAUSTION EPIDEMIC Are you feeling tired, like most of the time? You’re not alone! In the face of the exhaustion epidemic we’re experiencing, it’s time to rethink conventional wisdom about high productivity behavior. Grit and hustle certainly have their place in business but over the long haul, they’re also scientifically associated with burnout. If the pandemic proved anything, it’s that success in business is inextricably tied to health and well-being. You can’t have one without the other! It’s no coincidence that organizations and leaders have started to pay attention to the emotional well-being of their people like never before.

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