Innovation | Leadership | Organizational Culture
A Cheat Sheet for Inventing the Future
Polly LaBarre
October 9th, 2018
For every leader unsettled by rampant disruption, unbounded competition, relentless commodification, and the specter of automation, there is a powerful antidote already inside the organization: the untapped audacity, imagination, energy, resourcefulness, curiosity, eccentricity, and passion of its people. Those fundamental human qualities are the engine of the creative economy—the source of all value. And yet, too few organizations are designed to unleash, mobilize, and amplify that human edge.
Managing/Leading Change | Leadership
Fortune's World's Greatest Leaders 2018: Who Are World's Best Leaders?
Tony D'Amelio
April 25th, 2018
The World’s Greatest Leaders list for 2018 has just been announced by Fortune. Five years ago, GEOFF COLVIN (a long-time speaker on business for D’Amelio Network) led the first-ever effort to create Fortune’s fresh look at leaders through a different lens. It’s not the usual suspects of well-known business and political leaders, but instead, a list that celebrates the passion, commitment, and ingenuity of a surprisingly broad range of those who are making a difference in the world.
Managing/Leading Change | Motivation | Leadership
Tony D'Amelio
February 15th, 2018
COL. NICOLE MALACHOWSKI (USAF, RET.) has an indomitable spirit. Determined from the age of five to fly fighter jets, she went on to a distinguished 21-year career in the United States Air Force and became the first woman to be part of the Thunderbirds, the elite USAF air demonstration squadron. The ultimate high-performance-under-pressure team, Nicole and five other Thunderbirds flew at over 400 mph and 300 feet off the ground – separated by as little as 36 inches. Nicole is a rock star in military aviation and was inducted into the Women in Aviation International Pioneer Hall of Fame Museum.
Managing/Leading Change | Motivation | Leadership | Organizational Culture
Col. Nicole Malachowski (USAF, Ret.), First Woman Thunderbird Pilot, Joins DN
Tony D'Amelio
January 16th, 2018
COL. NICOLE MALACHOWSKI USAF, (RET.), a rock star in military aviation, has just joined the D'Amelio Network which will manage her speaking career.
Managing/Leading Change | Leadership | Organizational Culture | Mike Abrashoff
Mentor Ship is Steward Ship - Building The Leadership Pipeline
Mike Abrashoff
November 8th, 2017
DEVELOPING THE LEADERSHIP PIPELINE I have worked with thousands of executive teams since I left the Navy and one of the common complaints I hear is where to find the time to mentor the next generation. Schedules are double and triple blocked as it is. “I just don't have the energy or the time,” is the common refrain.
Bill Walton: Learning to Lace My Shoes was a John Wooden Success Lesson
Tony D'Amelio
July 11th, 2017
SUCCESS STARTS WITH THE FOUNDATION Basketball legend and top sports motivational speaker BILL WALTON will never forget his first practice under the legendary UCLA Bruins coach John Wooden. Walton and the other star recruits, plus famous seniors and members of national championship UCLA teams, were anxious to get started. But first, John Wooden says, “Men, this is how you put your shoes and socks on.” Some of the returning players had been through this before; no matter - they were going to learn it again. Walton, the country's top-recruited player that year, thought “WHAT!!!???!!! We're top players! We don't need this!"
My All-Time Favorite Leadership Speaker is a Musician Keynote Speaker
Tony D'Amelio
June 20th, 2017
THE POPULARITY OF LEADERSHIP SPEAKERS As a group, leadership speakers are quite possibly the most popular category of speakers. In a world that’s moving too fast, leadership is the ingredient that helps to focus resources, manage risk, and spot new opportunities. And of all the roles, leadership helps focus the organization's most important asset – its people – on the hard work of doing big change. In short, leadership skills are treasured. With that in mind: this column.
Motivation | Leadership | Organizational Culture | Mike Abrashoff
Tony D'Amelio
May 8th, 2017
THE SHIP THAT LAUNCHED A THOUSAND (PLUS) SPEECHES In 1999 Fast Company magazine ran an article that got my attention. It featured a Navy captain who took command of a ship that was near the bottom of the performance rankings in just about every category. Twelve months later – under this new captain - the ship was the best performing ship in the fleet. How did that happen? Everyone wanted to know.
HR Focus | Motivation | Leadership
Women at Work: Why Confidence is Important at Work - More Than Know-How
Tony D'Amelio
April 20th, 2017
Women and Success When it comes to women at work – what matters more, confidence or competence? The answer is surprising because the latest research shows why confidence is important at work - even more important than actual skills.
Managing/Leading Change | Leadership
Fortune's World's Greatest Leaders 2017: Who Are World's Best Leaders?
Tony D'Amelio
March 30th, 2017
The 2017 list of Fortune’s “World’s Greatest Leaders” has just been announced. As usual, it's a list that's full of surprises. The list celebrates an inspiring group of achievers who have been especially effective in 2017. It’s hard not to be moved by the passion, commitment, and ingenuity of the individuals honored here, and perhaps take away lessons to apply to your own efforts – be it your business, your charity, your community, or just your own block in your neighborhood. It was four years ago that GEOFF COLVIN, senior editor-at-large at Fortune led the effort to create the magazine’s first-ever “World’s Greatest Leaders” issue. I'm proud to say that Geoff is a D’Amelio Network speaker -- click here to get a free chapter from his bestselling book Talent is Overrated. Leadership is a subject he's covered extensively for Fortune, so Geoff was the perfect choice to come up with the unique approach that has characterized this list.