Grateful Dead spin-off nets Bill Walton on drums
Tony D'Amelio
August 4th, 2016
“Grateful Red” NBA great BILL WALTON plays drums with Grateful Dead spin-off Dead & Company last week
Managing/Leading Change | Leadership | Mike Abrashoff
Top Business Speakers: Mike Abrashoff - Command and Control Leadership is Dead
Tony D'Amelio
August 2nd, 2016
A LEADERSHIP SPEAKER LIKE NO OTHER I saw MIKE ABRASHOFF, author of the bestselling leadership book It's Your Ship, speak to a group of state administrators from across the country in Orlando recently. One of the top business speakers, the message from this great leadership expert to the audience was simple: you can’t order excellence. You can tell people what they need to do but they don’t have to invest themselves in it. As a result, there's just no guarantee that things will get done the way they should. Instead, Mike offered a different vision of leadership – one that swaps command and control leadership for commitment and cohesion.
Innovation | International Affairs & Business | Managing/Leading Change
Innovation Model - Maverick Rules at Lego
Tony D'Amelio
July 26th, 2016
Polly LaBarre - a new innovation model helps Lego innovate like an insurgent
What Women Voters Want: Katty Kay’s BBC Series
Tony D'Amelio
July 21st, 2016
What do women voters want in a president? Watch Katty Kay’s 5-part BBC series.
HR Focus | Motivation | Leadership
Improving Confidence - It's Possible, Katty Kay
Tony D'Amelio
July 12th, 2016
Improving confidence of women was the aim of KATTY KAY with her book, The Confidence Code
American Politics | Future | International Affairs & Business
Brexit Update - Speakers on Political & Business Impact
Tony D'Amelio
June 27th, 2016
BREXIT UPDATE: SPEAKERS WHO UNRAVEL WHAT'S NEXT One vote changed everything. The U.K.’s decision to leave the EU will have profound global impact on politics, finance and the business climate. Just how will become clearer over the next few months. Moreover, the Brexit and similar populist movements elsewhere could signal the end of globalization that has driven economic growth for the past two decades. As the world looks to adjust to this new reality, three D'Amelio Network experts provide a Brexit update with the latest insights that will help audiences plan for the future.
Future | Innovation | Managing/Leading Change | Leadership | Economic Outlook
New Business Models for a Friction-Free Economy
Tony D'Amelio
June 21st, 2016
NEW BUSINESS MODELS CREATE COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE The most successful companies today are evolving new business models to create starkly new, more fluid relationships with customers, workers, and owners. They’re rethinking the role of capital (as traditionally defined) and finding they can thrive while owning less and less of it. They are creating value in new ways as they reinvent R&D and marketing. And finally, they’re measuring their performance by new metrics because traditional gauges no longer capture what counts.
Worry-free Speakers on Politics
Tony D'Amelio
June 16th, 2016
--Bob Woodward-- One of the great Speakers on Politics
Mike Abrashoff - Let Me Tell You Something
Mike Abrashoff
June 9th, 2016
I come from a family of story tellers. My father was a World War II veteran and our main meal on Sunday was at noon after church. He would always tell his seven children, gathered at the table, stories from his days serving on convoys in the Atlantic. I would sit there mesmerized but would come back to the question: "If I was ever called upon, would I have what it takes like my father's generation."