Motivation | Leadership


By: Tony D'Amelio
October 25th, 2016

BASKETBALL COACH MAKES LIFELONG IMPRESSION ON NBA GREAT BILL WALTON, NBA legend, considers playing for legendary UCLA Bruins basketball coach John Wooden one of the greatest gifts of his life. “Coach Wooden was an English teacher who coached basketball to earn extra money,” said Bill. “He was about the most unlikely person to be coaching us. He never talked about winning and losing, but rather about the effort to win. He rarely talked about basketball, but generally about life. He never talked about strategy, statistics or plays, but rather about people and character. His words and ideas have inspired me my whole career. Coach Wooden never tired of telling us that once you become a good person, then you have a chance of becoming a good basketball player." Wooden is perhaps one of the most remarkable examples of sports leadership ever.

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HR Focus | Motivation | Leadership


By: Tony D'Amelio
October 20th, 2016

THE CONFIDENCE CODE: CLOSING THE CONFIDENCE GAP Women and confidence: KATTY KAY co-wrote the book on the subject. The Confidence Code: The Science and Art of Self-Assurance – What Women Should Know (written with Claire Shipman), created quite a stir when it was released. The science part was rather sobering: women, even in top leadership roles, are more genetically predisposed to lack confidence than men...confidence and leadership don't necessarily go hand-in-hand. The art part was more reassuring: confidence is indeed a choice. The book launched a productive discussion about women and confidence that goes on to this day.

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Future | HR Focus | Innovation | Managing/Leading Change

Smart Technology & Robots at Work: The Workplace of the Future

By: Tony D'Amelio
October 18th, 2016

Smart technology has drastically altered how we operate in everyday life, and the workplace is no exception. These technological advancements have contributed significantly to how businesses operate both in the big picture and in day-to-day activities. With smart technology evolving at such a fast pace, what’s in store for the workplace of the future?

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Managing/Leading Change | Leadership | Organizational Culture

A Navy Captain's Advice: Leading Change in Organizations & Breakthrough Innovation

By: Tony D'Amelio
October 13th, 2016

In today’s highly competitive, rapidly advancing business climate, there is an increased emphasis on organizational leadership tactics that will drive real results. And this is for good reason. Now, more than ever, business leaders are realizing that the true power in their organization lies within its employees, and creating an environment where they can succeed should be a top priority. For far too long, there has been a misconception that employee morale, motivation, and productivity are inherent traits to each individual. However, this has been shown to be far from the truth. In fact, the leadership approach an organization takes can make or break them. A prime example of a drastic shift based on an new approach to leading change in organizations is the remarkable turnaround story of USS Benfold Captain Mike Abrashoff.

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Marketing & PR | Sales Growth

How Buying Has Changed: The New Rules of Sales

By: Tony D'Amelio
October 11th, 2016

A conversation with DAVID MEERMAN SCOTT, Real-Time marketing & social sales expert about how buying has changed. David is author of ten books including The New Rules of Sales and Service. He is also author of the blog Web Ink Now. HOW BUYING HAS CHANGED! If you’re in sales, your job is to help people buy! But David helps salespeople (and sales organizations) understand how buying has changed, and how to adapt and succeed. Most salespeople, and the executives of the companies they work for, increasingly know that making a sale has become far more difficult in a world where buyers are in charge. When anyone can jump onto your site—or those of your competitors—and can review independent commentary by bloggers or access consumer reviews on a smartphone app in seconds, it’s an entirely different world from the one a few years ago when the salesperson held most of the cards and was the gateway for the customer’s product knowledge.

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Innovation | International Affairs & Business | Managing/Leading Change

Top Speakers on Navigating Business Disruption

By: Tony D'Amelio
October 6th, 2016

Talking about business disruption is almost becoming a cliché. Upheaval is so prevalent that it’s become the norm. The bigger issue is how to find solid expertise to help you and your organization successfully navigate the different forms of disruption.

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BOOK REVIEW – Imagine That! Shows How to Ignite Your Brain for Peak Performance

By: Tony D'Amelio
September 29th, 2016

A CAREER DEVOTED TO HELPING PEOPLE ACHIEVE PEAK PERFORMANCE Full disclosure: I have known James Mapes for many years. I was his booking agent and we worked together for seven years as he barnstormed colleges and universities all over America, doing a stage hypnosis act that audiences found not only entertaining but also hysterically funny. But the show was more than that because James was on a mission - even then. Based on a number of personal and life-changing experiences he had, James knew one thing for certain - most human beings sold themselves short; they never reached anything close to peak performance because they just didn't understand the magic and power of their own brains.

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Event Ideas | Motivation | Speaking Industry


By: Tony D'Amelio
September 6th, 2016

Just Released: What Made Me Who I Am by Bernie Swain

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American Politics | International Affairs & Business | Leadership | Economic Outlook

Free Trade Demise? It's a worry!

By: Tony D'Amelio
August 14th, 2016

--Geoff Colvin Video-- Will Free Trade Survive Politics?

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Marketing & PR | Sales Growth

Boost Sales: Low-Cost Marketing Tips - Marketing Expert DAVID MEERMAN SCOTT

By: Tony D'Amelio
August 11th, 2016

Boost Sales: The Most Important Thing To Know Everyone in business wants to boost sales! The problem is, there's a big disconnect. The ways companies sell don't align with the ways people buy. Understanding how to close that gap is the key to business growth.

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